Xcode 9 Simulator Keyboard Not Working

broken image

Download Stuck on an aircraft or activity package. Step 1: Close the launcher Some community-created content can block the download of official content.If your download is stuck on a package such as 'asoboaircraftb787100.1.42.fspatch' or 'asobobushtripnevada0.1.35fspatch' please do the following. Work with assets. About Asset catalogs. Add an App Store icon. Use an asset catalog for a launch screen (iPhone). Show the Touch Bar simulator. View logs and reports. View and address issues. Testing workflow. For Xcode 12.0 and later help, see Xcode in Apple Developer Documentation.

  1. The only project settings that I've changed have been changing 'deployment target' to my 10.15 (and now 11.0), checking 'Disable Library Validation,' and checking 'For install builds only' under the 'Run Script' build phase. All of these changes are what I've found online to be necessary for SFML to work with newer versions of Xcode.
  2. After this I cannot open the simulator at all, not from Xcode directly, not from Xamarin Studio on Mac. To try and resolve, I have uninstalled Xcode, then downloaded and re-installed Xcode. At this point it put me back at 1. Above, but the same sequence restarts and I am unable to launch the simulator from VS without breaking it.

I am trying to use RabbitMq in an iOS app. As recommended, I am using this Objective-C wrapper, which stipulates : There is nothing to build. Just include the source and header files into your Xcode project and link it againt librabbitmq-c. However, I have been unable to build the app so far. I am using the last stable versions available on GitHub.

Xcode 11 simulator not working. Cannot run application on simulator after installing Xcode 11, I can run other projects which was not tested with Xcode 11 I've just updated to the latest Xcode 7 Beta 4 from Beta 3 and all of my simulators are missing and I can't install any of them. In addition, I can't open any of my Nibs in my project.

1/ I have tried to include all files (both rabbitmq-objc and rabbitmq-c) in my project, and build as usual (as suggested here). After replacing a few types (uint8 into u_int8_t) and solving a few imports ('amqp.h' instead of < amqp.h>) as suggested by XCode, I ended up with this error : Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 254. I deep cleaned project, erased content of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData, but no luck.

2/ I have then tried to build rabbitmq-c with cmake via command-line :

And then importing as a dynamic lib in my project. When linking in the project, XCode complains that building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib built for MacOSX file. I have read a few post on how to address this issue, but I am not sure exactly how to proceed.

3/ I have thus finally used the CMake.app for MacOS, setting the generator to XCode. I have imported the rabbitmq-c.xcodeproj built as a dynamic lib, and set the header path to the correct folder. After setting the Other linker flags to -ObjC -all_load, I still get an error : no such file or directory: '/Users/Guillaume/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/RabbitMQSandbox-bvhczedxhtejhxcwdqmdewzzexjj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/librabbitmq.4.0.0.dylib'.

I am losing hope. Can somebody point me toward the right direction ?

I finally found it, here it is for further reference

1/ get the latest rabbitmq-c and rabbitmq-objc libraries.

2/ make sure Cmake is updated (2.6 or better)

3/ install iOS-cmake

4/ in rabbitmq-c directory (change OSX_ARCHITECTURES and IOS_PLATFORM flags for simulator or device)

5/ in build.os/librabbitmq, rename directory Debug to Debug-iphonesimulator. Open in XCode the librabbitmq-c.xcodeproj, select target rabbitmq-static, build, and close this project.

6/ import in project that will be using the library librabbitmq.a. In build settings, make sure that Always Search User Paths is set to Yes and that User Header Search Path contains both paths to rabbitmq-c/librabbitmq and to rabbitmq-c/build.ios/rabbitmq-c.

7/ copy the rabbitmq-objc classes in the project, and set -fno-objc-arc flag for those classes.

8/ Replace occurences of uint8 by u_int8_t, replace occurences of #import < Cocoa/Cocoa.h> by #import < Foundation/Foundation.h>, replace occurences of #import < amqp.h> and #import < amqp_framing.h> by #import 'amqp.h' and #import 'amqp_framing.h'.

9/ In AMQPConsumer.m, add missing parameter AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE in function amqp_basic_consume, and in AMQPExchange.m, add missing

10/ Build project.

Call method after asynchronous request obj-c


You'll have to 'remember' which UIViewController calls the object. This can be done for instance with a property. in .h @property (nonatomic) UIViewController *viewController; in your .m file @synthesize viewController; Before calling the method, set the property with anObject.viewController = self; Then, you'll be able to call [viewController finishedPost:self]; inside.

What is the best practice add video background view?

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First of all, you have two main choices: use a imageView with a GIF or use a video for background with AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayerController. You can find a lot of example for both ways, here's a few: use a GIF for cool background video cover iOS In reply to your.

iOS: What is the callback when tapped on the empty space between keyboard and search bar to dismiss the keyboard when search bar is active


How about -searchBarTextDidEndEditing: in UISearchBarDelegate?

UITabBarViewController doesn't rotate - iOS


Try to override this method, don't call super - (void)viewWillTransitionToSizeCGSize)size withTransitionCoordinator:(id)coordinator { //[super viewWillTransitionToSize:size withTransitionCoordinator:coordinator]; [self.selectedViewController viewWillTransitionToSize:size withTransitionCoordinator:coordinator]; } .

Extra table cells when UITableViewController is embedded into a Container in a UIViewController


You just need to add this to your code in viewDidLoad. self.tableView.tableFooterView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; EDIT: sorry i was written in objective -c here is in swift. self.tableView.tableFooterView = UIView(frame:CGRectZero) The tableview will display what appear to be extra blank rows to fill out the bounds if there are not.

How to disable the Copy/Hide feature in UIImagePickerController when long pressing a image …?


Its orientation issues. UIImagePickerController wont support landscape mode. Try this code source :: https://gist.github.com/mkeremkeskin/0ed9fc4a2c0e4942e451 - (BOOL)shouldAutorotate { UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]; if ( orientation UIDeviceOrientationPortrait | orientation UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown) { return YES; } return NO; } - (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations { return (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait | UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown); } -.

Is it possible to obtain an unique iCloud user ID on cocoa?


Yes, this is possible using CloudKit. You'll need a CKContainer, and you'll ask it to fetch the user record ID. That record ID is unique for your apps, but is also stable for that user this means the same iCloud account will have the same record ID, regardless of which.

Xcode 9 Simulator Keyboard Not Working Windows 10

Cursor doesn't update in NSTextField as it autoresizes when resizing the enclosing NSWindow


Interesting question, I've never applied auto-layout to a text field so I was curious myself. My solution was to listen for the NSWindowDelegate method, -windowDidResize. Upon that, I would check to see if the text field was the first responder. If it was, I set it to be first responder.

Getting video from Asset Catalog using On Demand ressources


I think its not possible to use Asset Catalog for video stuff, Its simplify management of images. Apple Documentation Use asset catalogs to simplify management of images that are used by your app as part of its user interface. An asset catalog can include: Image sets: Used for most types.

Scaling everything up and down for different devices in UIStoryboard


You can do it by using Aspect Ratio property of AutoLayout. You can follow this tutorial. It gives a very nice explanation on how to scale everything up by using fix aspect ratio. http://simblestudios.com/blog/development/percentage-width-in-autolayout.html.

Twilio Client Python not Working in IOS Browser


Twilio developer evangelist here. Twilio Client uses WebRTC and falls back to Flash in order to make web browsers into phones. Unfortunately Safari on iOS supports neither WebRTC nor Flash so Twilio Client cannot work within any browser on iOS. It is possible to build an iOS application to use.

NS_ENUM as property in protocol


You needs to synthesize the property: @implementation Application @synthesize applicationState = _ applicationState; @end or declare the property again: @interface Application : NSObject @property (nonatomic) ApplicationState applicationState; @end .

Transferring an Xcode project to another computer with all files/frameworks


Try transferring everything from plists to the storyboard. I did this with a friend of mine and it only took about 20 minutes for the code to build and run successfully on his own laptop. the biggest issue is going to be transferring the files that Xcode is going to.

Adding Image And title both to UIsegmentControl IOS


The official documentation for -setImage:forSegmentAtIndex: says A segment can only have an image or a title; it can't have both. There is no default image. So, no, there is no way to do what you want using the image and title properties. However, there are a few options to accomplish.

How to get time difference based on GMT on Swift


I think your problem is that you are using a calendar with an unset time zone. Your calculation of adding 60*60*24*2 to the current time does not account for the two days when some timezones change to and from daylight savings time. Those days are 23 and 25 hours long.

It is possible to continuously update the UILabel text as user enter value in UITextField in iOS


You can register your textField for value change event: [textField addTarget: self action:@selector(textFieldDidChange) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged]; and in textFieldDidChange function update your label: - (void)textFieldDidChange { label.text = textField.text; } The function shouldChangeCharactersInRange is needed more for taking desisions whether to allow upcoming change or not.

iOS 8 Swift CS193P Calculator Bug Switch Operation


Your code looks fine, it looks like you accidentally placed a breakpoint in your code, see that blue-looking arrow to the left of the green-highlighted line? Do one of the following: Go ahead and right click that and click Delete Breakpoint Drag and drop that breakpoint into your view controller.

Override UITabBarController Icon Selection


UITabBarControllerDelegate has a delegate method - tabBarController:shouldSelectViewController:, just implement it and check if user is logged in or not. e.g. - (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController { if (isLogin) { return YES; } else{ //show your view controller here return NO; } } You can also check which view controller has.

Xcode Simulator Reset

How to create UITableViewCells with complex content in order to keep scrolling fluent


What you're trying to do is going to inevitably bump into some serious performance issues in one case or another. Copy screenshot on pc. Storing all cells (and their data into memory) will quickly use up your application's available memory. On the other hand dequeueing and reloading will produce lags on some devices as.

try to recover views from custom cell


viewWithTag: is a very fragile way to get a reference to views, and isn't recommended. But what I think is happening is that you need to call viewWithTag: on cell.contentView rather than the cell itself. I'd recommend creating proper IBOutlets to hold your imageview and label.

Characters and Strings in Swift


When a type isn't specified, Swift will create a String instance out of a string literal when creating a variable or constant, no matter the length. Since Strings are so prevalent in Swift and Cocoa/Foundation methods, you should just use that unless you have a specific need for a Character—otherwise.

After an insert into the UITableView : custom the cell


You need to use UITextField instead of UILabel. When you insert a new cell, set this UITextField's enabled property to true. When loading all the other cells remember to set it to false to disable editing (the same cell maybe used at more than one place).

App crashes when i start typing in uiseachbar in uitableview

It seems that the Predicate is incorrect Try : NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@'SELF.fullName contains[c] %@', searchText]; .

IOS - Adjust cell height based on content


If use AutoLayout the use this code You try to set the UITableView properties estimatedHeight. -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ _messageField.delegate = self; _tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 65.0; _tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension; } Other wise use this UITableView Delegate Method - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { return 300; // your dynamic height. } .

Implementing Applovin Ads with Swift & SpriteKit


You likely need to enable 'Test Mode' for your app in the AppLovin dashboard in order to force test ads to serve for your area. Please send any questions to [email protected] for further assistance.

animating a view on top of uitableview


In initializeSettingsView() add nibView.setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(false). And then in viewDidload add the hight constraint to settingsView constraints.append(NSLayoutConstraint(item: settingsView, attribute: .Height, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 90.0)) And you do not need to set the position of settingsView, since it will be layout at the right position based on.

MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate not being called


It's crashing because your handler object is getting released and deallocated right after the call to handler.sendMessage(), and then a delegate callback is attempted on that now-deallocated object when you try to send or hit cancel. The object is getting released and deallocated because nothing is holding a strong reference.

Do I have to use both of these methods?


No, you don't have to use both. Either you go with reloadCell technique or cell updates via beginUpdate and endUpdate. When you are reloading a particular row, internally table view system creates 2 cell and then blends in the new one with. You can remove the beginUpdates and endUpdates and.

Set color CFAttributedStringRef


Based on the comments on the question, you mentioned that the words will never change. You could potentially create a whole bunch of if/else statements checking every word selected against every word in an array. I have put this down as a more efficient alternative and it should hopefully work.

NSString to NSDate doesn't work


You have to set the date format as the string NSString *myDate = @'06/18/2015 8:26:17 AM'; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@'MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a']; NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:myDate]; //Set New Date Format as you want [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@'dd.MM. HH:mm']; [dateFormatter setLocale:[NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:@'en_US']]; NSLog(@'%@',[dateFormatter stringFromDate:date]); .

How to draw each a vertex of a mesh as a circle

Xcode Simulator For Windows


You can do it using geometry shaders to create billboarding geometry from each vertex on the GPU. You can then either create the circles as geometry, or create quads and use a circle texture to draw them (I recommend the later). But geometry shaders are not extensively supported yet, even.

ios8 Timezone parsing changed?


Setting dateStyle or timeStyle will override any custom dateFormat you have set. Your date string does not conform in any way to NSDateFormatterShortStyle, which is why you are getting nil when trying to convert strings to dates. Furthermore, according to Unicode Technical Standard #35 revision 31, the timezone specifier of.

SpriteKit collision angle of line and circle is odd


The ball gets reflected symmetrically to its angle of approach assuming it's a completely elastic collision. That means, to get the behavior you are looking for, the ball would need to approach exactly from one line mid-point to the next without any loss of energy. Sprite Kit's physics engine will.

How can I show ONLY the date (and not the time) using NSDateFormatter?

Best strategy games for macbook pro. ios,iphone,swift Editor de audio para pc.

Animal crossing pocket camp birthdays. var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd' dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: @'en_US') let d = NSDate() let s = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(d) .

Difference between stringByAppendingString and appendString in ios


appendString: is from NSMutableString, stringByAppendingString: is from NSString. The first one mutates the existing NSMutableString. Adds to the end of the receiver the characters of a given string. The second one returns a new NSString which is a concatenation of the receiver and the parameter. Returns a new string made.

Build error after I localized Info.plist


Xcode 9 simulator keyboard not working remotely

Roll back those changes, add a InfoPlist.strings file to your project, localize it and then add the needed keys to it. For example: 'CFBundleDisplayName' = 'App display name'; 'CFBundleName' = 'App bundle name'; .

Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value - Plist


Seems to be no error in your code, Check that the arrays in plist has the same naming as in your code might be mistaken something with keys. You can check that by right-click on plist and Open-as then choose source code Like : objectForKey('name') called name objectForKey('image') called image.

How can I fix crash when tap to select row after scrolling the tableview?


Because you are using reusable cells when you try to select a cell that is not in the screen anymore the app will crash as the cell is no long exist in memory, try this: if let lastCell = self.diceFaceTable.cellForRowAtIndexPath(lastIndexPath) as! TableViewCell{ lastCell.checkImg.image = UIImage(named: 'uncheck') } //update the data.

UITapGestureRecognizer sender is the gesture, not the ui object


You can get a reference to the view the gesture is added to via its view property. In this case you are adding it to the button so the view property would return you you the button. let button = sender.view as? UIButton .

Xcode Simulator Mac

My Xcode 6 simulator is not running at all. Xcode cleans and builds successfully. But nothing happens after that. I already deleted Xcode and downloaded a fresh copy. That did not help. I deleted all simulators, then added them again. I downloaded iOS 7.1 simulators as well. I deleted those simulators. Then I added them back again. Still nothing is running. I get no error messages either. If i manually open simulator it works, but still does not run the app. Whats going on? Can this be because I have the Yosemite GM 1 running?

xcode 6

Posted on Oct 1, 2014 6:00 PM

broken image